How Do I Use the Fireplace?
1. First step would be to open the door.
2. The handle is too hot. You'd better protect yourself.
3. There must be something around that helps protect your hands from intense heat.
4. Take the oven mitt from the kitchen and use it on the fireplace.
5. Two things you can do with a fire: feed it or put it out.
6. It's already burning nicely.
7. Let's put that fire out, then.
8. What would you need?
9. How to carry water to the fireplace?
10. The bucket in the bathroom looks like it can hold a fair amount of water.
11. Have you filled your bucket? Well, fill it, by golly!
12. Use filled bucket on fire to put it out.
13. Notice a glint?
14. Feel around in the ashes to get your key.