Where Are My Shoes?
1. You've tried going out, but you need your shoes to go any further.
2. The dog's got one. You'll find her chewing on it by the kitchen sooner or later.
3. She obviously doesn't like to be disturbed.
4. Don't worry if she leaves. Take a stroll, and she'll soon be back.
5. It seems she'll only leave the shoe if you can offer her something more interesting.
6. Or at the very least smellier.
7. Have you looked in the fridge?
8. Don't worry, a little mold won't hurt her.
9. Throw the cheese to the dog while she's eating your shoe. She'll leave the shoe for the cheese.
10. You're still missing one shoe.
11. Have you looked everywhere?
12. It's not in the cabin.
13. Keep yourself busy elsewhere until you have a visitor.
14. Ask him about your shoe.
15. Ask him again.