How can I have a look in the evidence locker at the sheriff's office?
1. He won't let you near it while he's there.
2. And assuming he ever leaves, how could you get in there? You need a plan.
3. Getting arrested would ensure that you're in there even when he's out.
4. You'd need to have an escape plan, though. Not to mention a way to get arrested.
5. Take note of the key's position.
6. You could just reach it from inside the cell if you had something long enough with you.
7. Too bad they don't usually let you keep your belongings when you get arrested.
8. How about hiding something in the cell beforehand?
9. Good idea, but how can you avoid the sheriff seeing you?
10. Have you had any reason to visit the alley yet?
11. Go to the alley and slide your pointer through the window.
12. You can't do that if the sheriff's at his desk, though.
13. You can bring him some evidence he might want to file away so that he finally gets off his desk.
14. Give him the rifle, then go to the alley to slide the pointer through the window.
15. Escape plan in place, you now need a plan to get arrested. Nothing too serious, of course.
16. You might want to do something right in the sheriff's presence to speed things up. There must be something handy you can use.
17. Grab the brick and throw it at the window.
18. Congratulations, you got yourself arrested. Now all you need to do is escape, and the evidence locker is yours.