How do I open Vanessa's jewelry box?
1. So many colorful gems on it.
2. Notice how you can press them like buttons?
3. If only you knew which ones to press and in what order.
4. Did you read the note from Barnet's briefcase?
5. Know of any pockets that carry no money?
6. If you're stuck you can talk to someone about it.
7. Talk to the bartender about the note.
8. Look at the magazine in Vanessa's room.
9. Colorful gems, colorful balls. Hmm...
10. Look at the note again. Notice the underlined words?
11. Count the letters of each underlined word in order.
12. Now look at the magazine and find what color each number corresponds to.
13. The code is 3-4-6-2, meaning red-purple-green-blue.
14. Now go press those gems in order.