1. Take a good look at where each number is on the keypad.
2. Focus on the numbers in the lighter square only.
3. Think of something else where numbers have fixed positions.
4. On that something, there would be a 9 where 4 is now, and a 3 where 6 is now.
5. It might help if you thought of the square that encompasses the numbers as more of a circle (this object is frequently circular, although it can also be square).
6. Think of a clock.
7. On a clock, you would find a 3 where the 6 is, and a 9 where the 4 is. So 2 would be a 12, and 8 would be a 6.
8. So how would you read 2 and 8, or rather 12 and 6, on a clock? (The order the numbers appear in the clue suggests which number should be read as the hour and which as the minutes.)
9. Type 1230.