Ted Soulfield
1. You need to find the underlying rule that unites all numbers in each set but one.
2. For this specific puzzle, the rules aren't really mathematical at all.
3. For the first set, try to find what numbers have a buddy in the set and which number doesn't.
4. For the second set, focus on only one half of each number and again look for buddies.
5. For the third set, look at the solutions to the first two for a hint.
6. In the first set, every number also appears with its digits reversed, apart from one.
7. In the second set, look at the second digits of each number only. All are repeated twice instead of one.
8. The outlier in the first set is 26.
9. The outlier in the second set is also 26.
10. Now think what the number 26 reminds you of.
11. It's nothing to do with math.
12. And everything to do with letters.
13. Each number in set 3 represents a letter of the alphabet, in alphabetical order. Numbers larger than 26 can be ignored at this point in the solving.
14. The numbers/letters spell out the final answer.
15. Those numbers (6-15-18-20-25) spell out F-O-R-T-Y.
16. Select 26, 26 and 40, then turn the dial.