I'm lost. How do I navigate the island?
Not all places will be accessible at all times, but here's how to go to most of them:
Starting from your arrival on the island, you are standing right in front of the WELCOME SIGN. Tap the STAIRS to go into town.
From the ENTRANCE, you can access three buildings (when they are open). You can also tap on the Harbor Sign to turn towards the Harbor (after you've gotten some sleep), or the steps in front of you to continue on to the TOWN SQUARE.
If you continued to the TOWN SQUARE, you are now turned around looking back towards the sea. From here, you can access GIO'S, the BANK and POLICE STATION, if and when they are available. Tapping the steps towards the sea will take you back to the Entrance (where you just came from). Turn around to see the rest of the Town Square.
You are now looking at the Fountain. You can access the INN, CURIO SHOP and FOUNTAIN (when available). You can also see the time on the Clock Tower. After you've had a rest, tap the buildings and stairs in the distance for a closer look at them.
You can now access the BULLETIN BOARD, CLOCK TOWER and MOUNTAIN STAIRS. The business on your left and the Post Office will become accessible later.
Tapping the MOUNTAIN STAIRS takes you further up. Tap the steps again to continue climbing. Tap the right for a view of the Lighthouse or on the Ruins to enter what used to be some sort of Fortress. Turn around for another great sea view. Go through what's left of the door to reach the start of the stairs, then turn around to start going down to the Town Square again. Keep tapping the steps until you're down.
Back at the TOWN ENTRANCE, you can tap the way to the HARBOR and then turn around. There you'll find yourself under a huge SHIP SCULPTURE, complete with Commemorative Sign. Tap the uphill PATH to be taken back to the Town Entrance, or turn around to continue looking at the rest of the Harbor. From here you can also access the LIGHTHOUSE.