What can I do about the crocodile in Gio's Apothecary?

He's not bothering you, is he? He's fast asleep.


Unless you have revealed the SECRET SAFE.


If you haven't yet found a safe, come back when you have.


You want to reach the safe but the fearsome baby crocodile is standing guard.


Lift the gold bar and watch the crocodile return to his bed.


If only there was a way to make him stay there.


Place the gold bar on the tile again.


Have you noticed a crank on the wall near the croc bed?


Why don't you try it out? (The croc will have to be out of his bed for this to work.)


Try removing the gold bar now.


Only one small step missing to be safe from the ferocious croc.


Shut the cage door with the croc inside.


Place the gold bar on the tile one more time, then examine the safe at leisure.


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